The miraculous odyssey of a young cat who, together with her fellow sufferers, searches for dry land on a flooded earth. A moving rollercoaster of an adventure for young and old.

★★★★★ - de Volkskrant

The people have disappeared, but that doesn't seem to bother the cat. The house with the nice bed is still there and the river is full of fish. Until the water suddenly starts to rise and very quickly too. The cat barely manages to save itself thanks to a passing sailboat. A capybara, a dog, a lemur and a bird join them. Together they form an unlikely group that must learn to survive in this overwhelming new world.

Flow is only his second film, but Gints Zilbalodis is already being called the worthy successor to Hayao Miyazaki. In Flow he creates a mythical, majestic world of submerged ruins, destructive storms and looming forests. The animals and the magical journey they make symbolize something bigger, while at the same time the animals remain remarkably themselves. The animators watched hundreds of cat and other animal videos to portray the behavior and communication between the animals as faithfully as possible.

This animated film, which is high on every Oscar list, leaves audiences, both adults and children, enraptured.

Gints Zilbalodis
85 min
Thu 26 Dec
Latvia, France, Belgium
No dialogue
  • Watch out with children under 6
  • Fear