De Wilde Noordzee | voorpremière

Mark Verkerk
Sun 8 Sep 15:00
8 Sep

Dive into the depths with the adventurous film De Wilde Noordzee. We follow experienced diver and cameraman Peter van Rodijnen, who has filmed seas around the world for the past 20 years. Inspired by the renowned explorer Jacques Cousteau, Peter decides to capture the unknown underwater world of the North Sea. So close yet so unknown: the North Sea, the largest natural area in our country!

As Peter embarks on his underwater journey, he is quickly confronted with significant challenges. He faces dangerous and powerful currents, poor visibility in murky waters, and intense storms, but his determination to unravel the secrets of this untamed natural wonder never wavers.

Initially, he thought he would primarily film large and iconic species like the basking shark, killer whale, and tuna in the North Sea. However, he soon realizes that these are just part of a much larger and interconnected system and that the health of the North Sea depends on all its inhabitants, from the smallest plankton to the largest shark.

With stunning and captivating imagery, Peter van Rodijnen unveils a spectacular underwater world that is entirely unfamiliar to most of us. An unforgettable adventure for young and old alike.

De Wilde Noordzee | voorpremière
Mark Verkerk
88 min
Thu 12 Sep