Cinemini | Upside Down

Taartrovers Cinemini
Sun 15 Dec and Sun 16 Mar
15 Dec
16 Mar

Children from 2 to 6 years experience their first cinema visit in our cozy cinema. On Sunday morning, toddlers and preschoolers will experience Taartrovers Cinemini, a special program in which they experience film and can play in a beautiful light landscape.

Language is no problem, there is no Dutch required.


During Taartrovers Cinemini we show beautiful, sweet, exciting, abstract, narrative and sometimes also challenging short films, especially for toddlers and preschoolers. Afterwards, the visitors play together in a light landscape, consisting of various installations with which children playfully discover how light can create stories. They investigate form, projection, light, shadow, stories, movement and colour. How do shadows arise? Where do images come from, how do shapes become larger or smaller and how do shapes disappear into nothingness? And what stories can they see in the shapes? For adults, shadow is something that is self-evident, for children it is perhaps a magician who turns the adults into tall giants.

We take a look at the other side and see the world upside down, different than usual.
Upside down is a slightly philosophical, but above all very funny, film program in which you can be amazed and laugh at the same time. One time we are in the air, the next time under the earth.

Luna Maurer, Roel Wouters, 2005
2 minutes
We see one big and a lot of small marbles in a white, brightly lit room. The marbles move from left to right, from front to back. Then they suddenly start jumping, to the wall on the right, to the ceiling and back down again. Are these ordinary marbles, or something else? Why do they ignore the laws of gravity? Are we looking from below, or down?

An Vrombaut, 2022
7 minutes
And what happens if you are different from the rest? A giraffe with a long neck, is that different? Is that crazy? Laugh at the fantastic figures, the crazy movements but especially the crazy sounds in Andersland.

Youri Tcherenkov, 1995
8 minutes
In the air we fly along with the birds. We travel with them to distant lands in a beautifully illustrated animation. But how do you know where you are, without any points of reference, in the middle of the empty sky? A funny short animation that turns the world upside down.

Piret Sigus and Silja Saarepuu, 2022
7 minutes
Dig along and go underground, together with the mouse, the mole and all the other animals that live near the roots of the parsnip. This way you can see what really happened while the farmer was busy growing vegetables in the field.

Elise Auffray, 2014
2.5 minutes
In a short documentary we investigate the soil itself. Fast forward, we experience what happens when you compost and live among the worms that feast on all the leftovers. This can only happen in film!

30 min
No Dutch required
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