PIFF | Designing Worlds: A Journey Through the Art and History of Production Design

Thu 20 Mar 20:00
  • 20 Mar
    Natlab | Film, Theater, Café, Restaurant, Eindhoven

A two-part masterclass in which participants will explore the core of production design and its pivotal role in visual storytelling. From the early days of cinema to contemporary filmmaking, this program highlights how production designers craft immersive worlds that captivate and enhance narratives.  

Part 2 will deal with Modern Applications and Future Perspectives discussing production design in the digital era and what we can expect from new tools such as AI.

The lecture can be attended independently, but also together with FILM COURSE DESIGNING WORLDS – PART 1 - focussed on the Historical Foundations and Key Principles of production design in early cinema.

The course is created and sustained by Twan Arts - lecturer in Film History and Film Analysis with extensive expertise in exploring how visual storytelling shapes and reflects cinema’s evolution. He regularly hosts courses and lectures at film theaters and - festivals across the Netherlands.