Preview VPRO Podcast Poème électronique

Wisse Beets
Sun 22 Sep 14:00
22 Sep

The premiere of the VPRO podcast 'poème électronique' by Wisse Beets, about the first electronic music. There will be live music afterwards from Papi Gaba's Test and Measurement Ensemble. An exhibition of the first devices used to make electronic music will take place throughout the afternoon, temporarily made available by the Philips Historical Products Foundation.

This program is Dutch spoken.

Poème électronique is a 30 minute podcast that tells the story of the rise of early electronic music in the Netherlands between 1950 and 1960. This history goes back further than many people know. In addition to history, there is a lot of music and sound experimentation. Extra special is that part of this history took place in an old wing of our building.

Papi Gaba's Test and Measurement Ensemble is a project by Bart van Eijden. His orchestra consists of various oscillators, frequency generators, sweep generators and pulse generators from the 1950s. With his orchestra he explores the sonic possibilities within the strict boundaries of his ensemble. Compositions by the ensemble can also be heard in the podcast.

2:00 PM - 2:30 PM Start and opening of the exhibition
2:30 PM - 3:00 PM Premiere documentary
3:00 PM - 3:15 PM short Q&A
3:15 PM - 3.25 PM Listen to poème électronique in full
3:25 PM - 3:55 PM The performance from Papi Gaba

The exhibition will remain open for a while afterwards.