Cinemini | Paper

Taartrovers Cinemini
Sun 13 Oct - Thu 1 May
13 Oct
1 May

Children from 2 to 6 years experience their first cinema visit in our cozy cinema. On Sunday morning, toddlers and preschoolers will experience Taartrovers Cinemini, a special program in which they experience film and can play in a beautiful light landscape.

Language is no problem, there is no Dutch required.


During Taartrovers Cinemini we show beautiful, sweet, exciting, abstract, narrative and sometimes also challenging short films, especially for toddlers and preschoolers. Afterwards, the visitors play together in a light landscape, consisting of various installations with which children playfully discover how light can create stories. They investigate form, projection, light, shadow, stories, movement and colour. How do shadows arise? Where do images come from, how do shapes become larger or smaller and how do shapes disappear into nothingness? And what stories can they see in the shapes? For adults, shadow is something that is self-evident, for children it is perhaps a magician who turns the adults into tall giants.

Paper is a fun film program, full of paper friends to go on an adventure with. Mister Paper goes for a walk, little car Jeep goes on a tropical trip, Dodu goes on an adventure with his ladybug, a dog becomes best friends with his tail and there are more than enough ice creams!

Steven de Beul & Ben Tesseur, 2018
8 minutes
It's a beautiful day. Mister Paper goes for a walk. He cuts out what he needs from a few old newspapers. A hat against the sun, and a dog against loneliness. It's going to be a nice day!

Vera van Wolferen, 2020
2 minutes
Little car Jeep seems to have found a unique holiday location: a paradise island full of untouched nature and special tropical birds. But upon arrival, Jeep discovers that he is not the only adventurer. One ferry after another brings campers and caravans that thoroughly ruin the trip that started out so idyllically.

Ton van Saane, 1970
5 minutes
One ice cream is delicious, two ice creams are a party. But how many ice creams is too many? In this special animated film, two children are given wheelbarrows full of ice creams. Delicious, but what do you do with them?

José Miguel Ribeiro, 2010
5 minutes
Dodu, the boy made of cardboard, experiences exciting adventures with his friend the ladybird. The sea, the moon, the boat they sail in, everything is made of cardboard.

Milan Vitanov, 2007
5 minutes
What if a dog's tail was more than just a body part to wag? What if his tail was his best friend? Someone to share his bone with, play table tennis with and spend every day of the week with. Now that would be a happy ending! But what if your tail suddenly takes on a life of its own? And just like that, all on its own, starts chasing a cat…

30 min
No Dutch required
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